ঢাকা, জানুয়ারী ২৮, ২০২৫, ১৫ মাঘ ১৪৩১

cosmicculture.science: বিজ্ঞানকে জানতে ও জানাতে
শুক্রবার ● ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১১
প্রথম পাতা » অতীতের সূর্যগ্রহণসমূহ » ২২ জুলাই, ২০০৯
প্রথম পাতা » অতীতের সূর্যগ্রহণসমূহ » ২২ জুলাই, ২০০৯
৫৫০ বার পঠিত
শুক্রবার ● ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১১
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২২ জুলাই, ২০০৯

পঞ্চগড়ের হাড়িভাসা ইউনিয়নের মাধূপাড়া গ্রাম থেকে তোলা পূর্ণ সূর্যগ্রহণের ছবি পঞ্চগড়ের হাড়িভাসা ইউনিয়নের মাধূপাড়া গ্রাম থেকে তোলা পূর্ণ সূর্যগ্রহণের সময় দুর্লভ ডায়মন্ড রিং-এর ছবি
২২ জুলাই, ২০০৯ তারিখে সংগঠিত বাংলাদেশ থেকে দৃশ্যমান শতাব্দীর সর্বশেষ সূর্যগ্রহণ এর স্থানীয় সময় (৬৪ টি জেলার) ছিল নিম্মরূপ:

ঢাকা বিভাগ


Lat.: 24.9182° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.943° E                                    Magnitude: 0.973
Event                                             Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi

Start of partial eclipse :             2009/07/21        23:59:40.2         006.9°               070.8°
Maximum eclipse :                   2009/07/22        00:58:16.3         019.6°               076.1°
End of partial eclipse:               2009/07/22        02:03:57.8         034.2°               081.6°

Lat.: 25.0153° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.0096° E                                 Magnitude: 0.976
Event                                           Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :           2009/07/21        23:59:42.9         007°                 070.8°
Maximum eclipse :                  2009/07/22        00:58:21.2         019.7°              076.2°
End of partial eclipse :            2009/07/22        02:04:05.2         034.3°               081.7°

Lat.: 24.8861° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.7299° E                                 Magnitude: 0.965
Event                                           Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :          2009/07/21        23:59:44.5         007.6°               071.1°
Maximum eclipse :                 2009/07/22        00:58:41.3         020.4°               076.4°
End of partial eclipse  :           2009/07/22        02:04:49.9         035.1°               081.9

Lat.: 24.7487° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.4051° E                                Magnitude: 0.964

Event                                               Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :               2009/07/21        23:59:39.1         007.2°               071°
Maximum eclipse :                      2009/07/22        00:58:26.4         020°                 076.2°
End of partial eclipse  :               2009/07/22        02:04:23.5         034.7°               081.7

Lat.: 24.4322° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
ong.: 90.7697° E                                   Magnitude: 0.95
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :               2009/07/21        23:59:35.0         007.4°               071°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:58:29.7         020.3°               076.2°
End of partial eclipse  :                2009/07/22        02:04:38.2         035.1°               081.6°

Lat.: 24.2457° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.9204° E                                 Magnitude: 0.952
Event                                              Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :              2009/07/21        23:59:25.3         006.6°               070.7°
Maximum eclipse :                     2009/07/22        00:57:56.3         019.4°               075.8°
End of partial eclipse :               2009/07/22        02:03:35.0         034°                 081.1°

Lat.: 23.9932° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.4168° E                                 Magnitude: 0.939
Event                                               Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :               2009/07/21        23:59:23.8         006.9°               070.8°
Maximum eclipse :                      2009/07/22        00:58:05.5         019.8°               075.9°
End of partial eclipse  :               2009/07/22        02:03:59.8         034.5°               081.1°

Lat.: 23.9222° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.7141° E                                 Magnitude: 0.934
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:24.8         007.2°               070.9°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:58:13.7         020.1°               076°
End of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/22        02:04:17.5         034.9°               081.2°

Lat.: 23.708° N                                     Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.4216° E                                Magnitude: 0.93
Event                                           Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :          2009/07/21        23:59:18.7         006.8°               070.8°
Maximum eclipse :                  2009/07/22        00:57:57.9         019.7°               075.8°
End of partial eclipse  :           2009/07/22        02:03:50.4         034.5°               080.9

Lat.: 23.6043° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.8476° E                                 Magnitude: 0.932
Event                                             Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi

Start of partial eclipse  :            2009/07/21        23:59:12.8         006.3°               070.6°
Maximum eclipse :                    2009/07/22        00:57:36.3         019.1°               075.6°
End of partial eclipse :              2009/07/22        02:03:08.8         033.8°               080.6°

Lat.: 23.7665° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.645° E                                   Magnitude: 0.939
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:                 2009/07/21        23:59:14.4         006.2°               070.5°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:57:34.3         018.9°               075.6°
End of partial eclipse:                  2009/07/22        02:03:01.1         033.6°               080.7°

Lat.: 23.8645° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.9993° E                                 Magnitude: 0.939
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :               2009/07/21        23:59:18.5         006.5°               070.7°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:57:48.3         019.3°               075.7°
End of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/22        02:03:27.6         034°                 080.9°

Lat.: 23.5527°N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.5225° E                                Magnitude: 0.924
Event                                                 Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi

Start of partial eclipse  :               2009/07/21        23:59:16.9         006.9°               070.8°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:57:57.2         019.7°               075.8°
End of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/22        02:03:51.9         034.5°               080.9°

Lat.: 23.6257° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.4937° E                                 Magnitude: 0.927
Event                                                  Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/21        23:59:17.9         006.9°               070.8°
Maximum eclipse :                         2009/07/22        00:57:58.1         019.7°               075.8°
End of partial eclipse  :                  2009/07/22        02:03:52.5         034.5°               080.9°

Lat.: 23.1738° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.2033° E                                 Magnitude: 0.915
Event                                                  Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/21        23:59:08.5         006.4°               070.7°
Maximum eclipse :                         2009/07/22        00:57:36.4         019.3°               075.5°
End of partial eclipse  :                  2009/07/22        02:03:17.2         034°                 080.5°

Lat.: 23.2218° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.3468° E                                 Magnitude: 0.915
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:10.3         006.6°               070.7°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:57:42.5         019.4°               075.6°
End of partial eclipse  :                2009/07/22        02:03:28.5         034.2°               080.6°

Lat.: 23.0191° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.8201° E                                 Magnitude: 0.913
Event                                                  Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :                2009/07/21        23:59:03.4         006°                 070.5°
Maximum eclipse :                        2009/07/22        00:57:19.9         018.8°               075.3°
End of partial eclipse  :                  2009/07/22        02:02:46.5         033.6°               080.2°


চট্টগ্রাম বিভাগ


Lat.: 21.439° N                         Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 92.0071° E                    Magnitude: 0.843
Event                                          Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :         2009/07/21        23:59:11.5         007.4°               071.1°
Maximum eclipse :                2009/07/22        00:57:58.7         020.5°               075.5°
End of partial eclipse :          2009/07/22        02:04:14.7         035.6°               079.8°

Lat.: 22.3301° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.8248° E                                 Magnitude: 0.873
Event                                           Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:           2009/07/21        23:59:14.8         007.6°               071.1°
Maximum eclipse :                 2009/07/22        00:58:12.6         020.7°               075.8°
End of partial eclipse:             2009/07/22        02:04:37.3         035.7°               080.4°

Lat.: 22.2205° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 92.2064° E                                 Magnitude: 0.866
Event                                             Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :           2009/07/21        23:59:18.8         007.9°               071.2°
Maximum eclipse :                  2009/07/22        00:58:24.6         021°                 075.9°
End of partial eclipse :             2009/07/22        02:05:00.3         036.1°               080.5°

Lat.: 22.6573° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 92.1734° E                                 Magnitude: 0.881
Event                                             Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:              2009/07/21        23:59:22.2         008°                 071.3°
Maximum eclipse :                    2009/07/22        00:58:33.9         021.1°               076°
End of partial eclipse:                2009/07/22        02:05:14.8         036.2°               080.8°

Lat.: 23.1112° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.9907° E                                 Magnitude: 0.897
Event                                               Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:                2009/07/21        23:59:25.1         008°                 071.3°
Maximum eclipse :                      2009/07/22        00:58:38.3         021.1°               076.2°
End of partial eclipse:                  2009/07/22        02:05:18.5         036.1°               081.1°

Lat.: 22.941° N                         Partial solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.8357° E                    Magnitude: 0.902
Event                                            Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:             2009/07/21        23:59:10.7         006.9°               070.9°
Maximum eclipse :                   2009/07/22        00:57:51.9         019.8°               075.7°
End of partial eclipse :             2009/07/22        02:03:51.4         034.7°               080.5°

Lat.: 22.8101° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.0998° E                                 Magnitude: 0.895
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:             2009/07/21        23:59:11.6         007.1°               070.9°
Maximum eclipse :                   2009/07/22        00:57:57.9         020.1°               075.7°
End of partial eclipse :             2009/07/22        02:04:04.7         035°                 080.5°

Lat.: 23.0159° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.3978° E                                 Magnitude: 0.899
Event                                               Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :               2009/07/21        23:59:17.3         007.4°               071.1°
Maximum eclipse :                      2009/07/22        00:58:13.9         020.4°               075.9°
End of partial eclipse :                2009/07/22        02:04:33.0         035.4°               080.8°

Lat.: 23.2183° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.664° E                                   Magnitude: 0.912
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:12.9         006.9°               070.8°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:57:53.1         019.8°               075.7°
End of partial eclipse:                   2009/07/22        02:03:49.7         034.6°               080.7°

Lat.: 23.4562° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.1822° E                                 Magnitude: 0.915
Event                                                 Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:                 2009/07/21        23:59:21.2         007.4°               071.1°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:58:17.5         020.4°               076°
End of partial eclipse:                   2009/07/22        02:04:33.7         035.3°               081°

Lat.: 23.9762° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.1079° E                                 Magnitude: 0.933
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:29.1         007.5°               071.1°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:58:28.8         020.5°               076.2°
End of partial eclipse :                  2009/07/22        02:04:46.5         035.3°               081.4


খুলনা বিভাগ

Lat.: 22.6584° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.8016° E                                 Magnitude: 0.902
Event                                           Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:            2009/07/21        23:58:58.4         005.9°               070.4°
Maximum eclipse :                  2009/07/22        00:57:10.0         018.7°               075.2°
End of partial eclipse  :           2009/07/22        02:02:32.3         033.4°               080°

Lat.: 22.8426° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.5578° E                                 Magnitude: 0.91
Event                                           Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :          2009/07/21        23:58:59.1         005.7°               070.4°
Maximum eclipse :                  2009/07/22        00:57:07.0         018.5°               075.2°
End of partial eclipse :            2009/07/22        02:02:23.2         033.2°               080°

Lat.: 22.7167° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse

Long.: 89.0713° E                                 Magnitude: 0.91
Event                                           Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :          2009/07/21        23:58:54.3         005.2°               070.2°
Maximum eclipse :                  2009/07/22        00:56:48.7         018°                 075°
End of partial eclipse  :           2009/07/22        02:01:47.8         032.6°               079.7°

Lat.: 23.1546° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.2114° E                                 Magnitude: 0.923
Event                                              Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :             2009/07/21        23:59:01.6         005.5°               070.3°
Maximum eclipse :                     2009/07/22        00:57:04.4         018.3°               075.2°
End of partial eclipse:                2009/07/22        02:02:12.2         032.9°               080.1°

Lat.: 23.1672° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.4984° E                                 Magnitude: 0.921
Event                                               Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :              2009/07/21        23:59:03.5         005.8°               070.4°
Maximum eclipse :                      2009/07/22        00:57:13.6         018.6°               075.3°
End of partial eclipse :                 2009/07/22        02:02:31.0         033.2°               080.2°

Lat.: 23.4854° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.4199° E                                 Magnitude: 0.932
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :               2009/07/21        23:59:08.2         005.9°               070.4°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:57:19.6         018.6°               075.4°
End of partial eclipse  :                2009/07/22        02:02:37.0         033.2°               080.4°

Lat.: 23.5435° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.1784° E                                 Magnitude: 0.936
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :               2009/07/21        23:59:07.8         005.7°               070.3°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:57:13.8         018.4°               075.3°
End of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/22        02:02:23.5         033°                 080.3°

Lat.: 23.7788° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 88.6054° E                                 Magnitude: 0.949
Event                                                  Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/21        23:59:09.6         005.3°               070.1°
Maximum eclipse :                         2009/07/22        00:57:03.2         017.9°               075.2°
End of partial eclipse  :                  2009/07/22        02:01:55.5         032.4°               080.3°

Lat.: 23.6439° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 88.8516° E                                 Magnitude: 0.942
Event                                                   Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                   2009/07/21        23:59:08.1         005.4°               070.2°
Maximum eclipse :                          2009/07/22        00:57:06.7         018.1°               075.2°
End of partial eclipse  :                    2009/07/22        02:02:06.3         032.6°               080.3°

Lat.: 23.916° N                         Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.1223° E                    Magnitude: 0.949
Event                                      Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :     2009/07/21        23:59:14.5         005.8°               070.3°
Maximum eclipse :             2009/07/22        00:57:22.3         018.5°               075.4°
End of partial eclipse :        2009/07/22        02:02:32.4         033°                 080.6°


রাজশাহী বিভাগ

Lat.: 26.3322°N                                    Total Solar Eclipse
Long.: 88.5539° E                                 Duration of Totality: 3m57.5s
Magnitude: 1.031
Event                                               Date                 Time (UT)        Alt          Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :              2009/07/22        00:00:14.4         006.3°               070.5°
Start of total eclipse  :                 2009/07/22        00:56:19.3         018.3°               075.9°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:58:17.6         018.8°               076.1°
End of total eclipse  :                   2009/07/22        01:00:16.8         019.2°               076.3°
End of partial eclipse :                 2009/07/22        02:03:08.9         033°                 082°

Lat.: 26.0272° N                                     Total Solar Eclipse
Long.: 88.4571° E                                  Duration of Totality: 3m43.5s
Event                                                  Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/22        00:00:04.9         006.1°               070.4°
Start of total eclipse  :                    2009/07/22        00:56:13.9         018.1°               075.8°
Maximum eclipse :                          2009/07/22        00:58:05.3         018.6°               075.9°
End of total eclipse :                      2009/07/22        00:59:57.4         019°                 076.1°
End of partial eclipse  :                  2009/07/22        02:02:54.5         032.8°               081.7°

Lat.: 25.9395°N                                    Total Solar Eclipse
Long.: 88.8464° E                                 Duration of Totality: 3m22.8s
Magnitude: 1.016
Event                                             Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :             2009/07/22        00:00:03.0         006.4°               070.5°
Start of total eclipse :                2009/07/22        00:56:32.6         018.5°               075.9°
Maximum eclipse :                     2009/07/22        00:58:13.6         018.9°               076.1°
End of total eclipse :                 2009/07/22        00:59:55.4         019.3°               076.2°
End of partial eclipse :              2009/07/22        02:03:16.6         033.2°               081.8°

Lat.: 25.9086° N                                         Total Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.4466° E                                      Duration of Totality: 2m47.6s
Event                                                  Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :                  2009/07/22        00:00:03.9         006.9°               070.8°
Start of total eclipse :                      2009/07/22        00:57:07.0         019.2°               076.2°
Maximum eclipse :                           2009/07/22        00:58:30.5         019.5°               076.3°
End of total eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:59:54.7         019.8°               076.4°

Lat.: 25.748° N                                                  Total Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.2502° E                                             Duration of Totality: 2m17.8s
Magnitude: 1.006
Event                                                        Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                         2009/07/21        23:59:58.6         006.6°               070.6°
Start of total eclipse :                            2009/07/22        00:57:11.0         019°                 076.1°

Maximum eclipse :                                 2009/07/22        00:58:19.6         019.2°               076.2°
End of total eclipse :                             2009/07/22        00:59:28.8         019.5°               076.3°
End of partial eclipse :                          2009/07/22        02:03:37.1         033.7°               081.9°
End of partial eclipse :                          2009/07/22        02:03:54.4         033.9°               082.1°

Lat.: 25.6143° N                                         Total Solar Eclipse
Long.: 88.635° E                                         Duration of Totality: 2m28.4s
Event                                                       Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:                         2009/07/21        23:59:53.2         006.1°               070.4°
Start of total eclipse  :                          2009/07/22        00:56:43.6         018.3°               075.7°
Maximum eclipse :                                2009/07/22        00:57:57.5         018.6°               075.9°
End of total eclipse :                            2009/07/22        00:59:12.0         018.9°               076°
End of partial eclipse :                         2009/07/22        02:02:54.0         032.9°               081.5°

Lat.: 25.8098°N                                    Total Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.6347° E                                 Duration of Totality: 2m02.6s
Magnitude: 1.005
Event                                               Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/22        00:00:01.8         007°                 070.8°
Start of total eclipse :                   2009/07/22        00:57:32.2         019.4°               076.2°
Maximum eclipse :                        2009/07/22        00:58:33.3         019.6°               076.3°
End of total eclipse:                      2009/07/22        00:59:34.8         019.9°               076.4°
End of partial eclipse:                   2009/07/22        02:04:03.9         034.1°               082.1°

Lat.: 25.3391° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.5441° E                                 Magnitude: 0.99
Event                                                 Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                 2009/07/21        23:59:48.7         006.7°               070.7°
Maximum eclipse :                         2009/07/22        00:58:16.2         019.4°               076.1°
End of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/22        02:03:44.3         033.9°               081.7°

Lat.: 25.1005°N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.025° E                                  Magnitude: 0.987
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:40.6         006.2°               070.5°
Maximum eclipse :                        2009/07/22        00:57:53.4         018.8°               075.8°
End of partial eclipse:                   2009/07/22        02:03:03.6         033.2°               081.3°

Lat.: 24.8366°N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.371° E                                  Magnitude: 0.976
Event                                           Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :            2009/07/21        23:59:35.5         006.4°               070.6°
Maximum eclipse :                    2009/07/22        00:57:56.0         019°                 075.9°
End of partial eclipse :              2009/07/22        02:03:17.8         033.6°               081.3°

Lat.: 24.8017° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 88.9343° E                                 Magnitude: 0.979
Event                                            Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :             2009/07/21        23:59:32.9         006°                 070.4°
Maximum eclipse :                     2009/07/22        00:57:41.9         018.6°               075.7°
End of partial eclipse  :              2009/07/22        02:02:48.8         033.1°               081.1°

Lat.: 24.4103° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 88.9824° E                                 Magnitude: 0.966
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:24.1         005.8°               070.3°
Maximum eclipse :                        2009/07/22        00:57:32.0         018.5°               075.5°
End of partial eclipse:                  2009/07/22        02:02:39.6         033°                 080.9°


Lat.: 24.3574°N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 88.6398° E                                Magnitude: 0.967
Event                                               Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:                 2009/07/21        23:59:21.7         005.5°               070.2°
Maximum eclipse :                        2009/07/22        00:57:20.4         018.1°               075.4°
End of partial eclipse :                 2009/07/22        02:02:16.4         032.6°               080.7°

Lat.: 24.0038° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.2392° E                                 Magnitude: 0.95
Event                                                 Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                  2009/07/21        23:59:16.8         005.9°               070.4°
Maximum eclipse :                          2009/07/22        00:57:28.2         018.6°               075.5°
End of partial eclipse :                   2009/07/22        02:02:42.8         033.2°               080.7°

Lat.: 24.4559°N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.7034° E                                Magnitude: 0.961
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:28.5         006.5°               070.6°
Maximum eclipse :                        2009/07/22        00:57:55.3         019.2°               075.8°
End of partial eclipse :                 2009/07/22        02:03:27.5         033.8°               081.2°

বরিশাল বিভাগ


Lat.: 22.7027° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.3735° E                                 Magnitude: 0.898
Event                                                 Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                 2009/07/21        23:59:03.5         006.4°               070.7°
Maximum eclipse :                        2009/07/22        00:57:30.0         019.3°               075.4°
End of partial eclipse  :                 2009/07/22        02:03:11.5         034.1°               080.2°

Lat.: 22.5804° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 89.9719° E                                 Magnitude: 0.898
Event                                                 Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                 2009/07/21        23:58:58.7         006°                 070.5°
Maximum eclipse :                        2009/07/22        00:57:13.6         018.8°               075.2°
End of partial eclipse :                  2009/07/22        02:02:40.5         033.6°               080°

Lat.: 22.6394° N                                     Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.1978° E                                  Magnitude: 0.898
Event                                                  Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                  2009/07/21        23:59:01.3         006.2°               070.6°
Maximum eclipse :                         2009/07/22        00:57:22.5         019.1°               075.3°
End of partial eclipse  :                  2009/07/22        02:02:57.5         033.9°               080.1°

Lat.: 22.1594°N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.1133° E                                Magnitude: 0.883
Event                                                 Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse  :                2009/07/21        23:58:55.3         006°                 070.5°
Maximum eclipse :                        2009/07/22        00:57:07.8         018.8°               075.1°
End of partial eclipse :                  2009/07/22        02:02:33.9         033.6°               079.7

Lat.: 22.371° N                                     Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.344° E                                  Magnitude: 0.888
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:58:59.5         006.3°               070.6°

Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:57:20.7         019.1°               075.3°
End of partial eclipse  :                2009/07/22        02:02:57.2         034°                 079.9°

Lat.: 22.6875° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 90.6441° E                                 Magnitude: 0.895
Event                                                 Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:05.8         006.6°               070.8°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:57:38.8         019.6°               075.5°
End of partial eclipse :                 2009/07/22        02:03:29.1         034.4°               080.3°


সিলেট বিভাগ


Lat.: 24.8978° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.8783° E                                 Magnitude: 0.956
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:54.5         008.6°               071.6°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:59:22.4         021.6°               076.9°
End of partial eclipse:                  2009/07/22        02:06:11.1         036.5°               082.4°

Lat.: 24.3771° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.409° E                                   Magnitude: 0.943
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse:                 2009/07/21        23:59:39.3         008°                 071.3°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:58:50.6         020.9°               076.5°
End of partial eclipse:                  2009/07/22        02:05:20.9         035.8°               081.8°

Lat.: 24.4806° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.7633° E                                 Magnitude: 0.943
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:44.8         008.3°               071.4°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:59:06.4         021.3°               076.6°
End of partial eclipse:                  2009/07/22        02:05:49.5         036.2°               082°

Lat.: 25.0663° N                                    Partial Solar Eclipse
Long.: 91.4083° E                                 Magnitude: 0.965
Event                                                Date                 Time (UT)        Alt                    Azi
Start of partial eclipse :                2009/07/21        23:59:54.0         008.2°               071.4°
Maximum eclipse :                       2009/07/22        00:59:10.1         021.2°               076.7°
End of partial eclipse :                  2009/07/22        02:05:42.8         036°                 082.3°


পাঠকের মন্তব্য

(মতামতের জন্যে সম্পাদক দায়ী নয়।)
মহাবিশ্বের প্রারম্ভিক অবস্থার খোঁজেজেমস ওয়েব স্পেস টেলিস্কোপের প্রথম রঙীন ছবি প্রকাশ
ব্ল্যাকহোল থেকে আলোকরশ্মির নির্গমন! পূর্ণতা মিলল আইনস্টাইনের সাধারণ আপেক্ষিকতা তত্ত্বের
প্রথম চন্দ্রাভিযানের নভোচারী মাইকেল কলিন্স এর জীবনাবসান
মঙ্গলে ইনজেনুইটি’র নতুন সাফল্য
শুক্র গ্রহে প্রাণের সম্ভাব্য নির্দেশকের সন্ধান লাভ
আফ্রিকায় ৫০ বছর পরে নতুনভাবে হস্তিছুঁচোর দেখা মিলল
বামন গ্রহ সেরেসের পৃষ্ঠের উজ্জ্বলতার কারণ লবণাক্ত জল
রাতের আকাশে নিওওয়াইস ধূমকেতুর বর্ণিল ছটা,আবার দেখা মিলবে ৬,৭৬৭ বছর পরে!
বিশ্ব পরিবেশ দিবস ২০২০
মহাকাশে পদার্পণের নতুন ইতিহাস নাসার দুই নভোচারী নিয়ে স্পেসএক্স রকেটের মহাকাশে যাত্রা